
Q:Do you really wanna go out with some guy you don't know?
A: Well it can't be any worse than the guys I do know.

Yes, all of us,girls, must have had this problem.At a certain time.The thing is: how to convince that guy to go out with you.Easy?...Not.Never.Especially if he's shy or not so easy goin'.Or if he has some quotes of his own such as "You're not my type" (lame-it really means="you didn't do enough") or "don't have time..gotta go with the boys...err..a project smth" ( d'oh. be more imaginative please?). Ladies, no time for dispising. You gotta show them who's the boss.Telling someone you like him is more stressful than going for a job interview , but it surely stirs up feelings in both sides.So just tell him.Nothin' to loose.Maybe your head.
That's the way things are supposed to be.
However not even the bitchiest bitch could continue when she had enough.I guess I had enough.

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