
inglorious bastards

Don't F with a F-er

One thing about making a deal with the devil - he always comes to collect. One thing about making a deal with me - i never forget. Mwhaha. Since I'm not so into writing in the last ...uhm...months let's say , I was thinking of speaking some memorably sharp one-liners in a near-whisper typing. Perverted fellah I must say.
So.Let's catch up. Take our clothes off, stare at each other.

Usually I have a "never say never" policy ...

But for you I'll make an exception.
The best way to get over someone, is to get under someone else. Not quite in my case.
All guys are jerks. General Truth. More true than Water boils at 100 degrees centigrade. But they get hotter with age, and we learn to be more tolerant.Aww*
So this is my issue in this period : trying to cope with business and love-business.
Its often said that no matter the truth people see what they want to see.
Some people might take a step back and find out they were looking at the same big picture all along.
Some people might see that their lives have almost caught up to them.
Some people may see what was there all along, but there are so few of them. I can't help wondering why.
And then there are those other people, the ones who run as far as they can so they dont have to look at themselves, and as for me, I can see clearly now- I'm never gonna make it unless I'm done with one of my businesses. Touche, indeed. But who cares what's it gonna end like?
Haven't you heard? I'm the crazy bitch around here. So everything is possible.

Since I've chosen to blog on April Fool's Day...well I'm sorry to dissapoint you but I'm not in the mood for pranks.I had enough games played with my <3
Oh I gotta stop.Bored you enough.


God left Sundays for ... relaxation.So instead of writing some bullshit which you won't read anyway , please relax your ears with some B.
Have a nice week everybody ;) Still watchin' ya.


Q:Do you really wanna go out with some guy you don't know?
A: Well it can't be any worse than the guys I do know.

Yes, all of us,girls, must have had this problem.At a certain time.The thing is: how to convince that guy to go out with you.Easy?...Not.Never.Especially if he's shy or not so easy goin'.Or if he has some quotes of his own such as "You're not my type" (lame-it really means="you didn't do enough") or "don't have time..gotta go with the boys...err..a project smth" ( d'oh. be more imaginative please?). Ladies, no time for dispising. You gotta show them who's the boss.Telling someone you like him is more stressful than going for a job interview , but it surely stirs up feelings in both sides.So just tell him.Nothin' to loose.Maybe your head.
That's the way things are supposed to be.
However not even the bitchiest bitch could continue when she had enough.I guess I had enough.


We weren't lovers like that and besides it would still be all right

Memories come and go , but I never thought they'd get you so down.It's time to loosen up,otherwise your mind becomes a leaky pipe and each feeling you ever had or wanted to have goes down the drain.Along with your hopes,along with thyself.And thus I keep bleeding , no blood spilt I'm afraid.
This is for you my beloved "don't know who".If you ever existed:
yes many loved before us, I know that we're not new,
chasing pavements ,let's face it, they smile like me and you,
but let's not talk of love or chains and things we can't untie,
hope there's no tomorrow.tell me, I can bare the lies.

This wasn't the maniac inside me,it was just the dead end of what I call "sensitive".They say you need to love and need to be loved.How can you tell the difference?


Humpty Dumpty off the wall

Ain't karma a bitch?..
well, at least we know I am *giggle*
..the "does-whatever-she-wants" girl.

Where there's smoke there definitely has to be fire..
Or in my case where there's smoke there must be some burnin' desires.Yes, I have won a battle,but not yet the war.

Spotted : Miss Little Perfection & Lonely Boy. Oh, how sweet. Not.She could do much better.

Oh my F-ing God

In these last hazy days of winter-spring , some tips:
  • Mondays aren't really my thing but this one had something: never say never.& Never say "I told you so".
  • Stay out of the snow unless you have a beannie or super duper L'Oreal hair spray to fix it all up
  • Limit all physical contacts ( walls are watching) and of course never leave your house without a "must-have" Couch scarf.
Let's give A a warm happy b'day for his growing older even though I guess he grew up as well.If not it's up to you to check out how's he doin'.

By the way:
  • Thursday 6 PM Central Theatre "Bigamul" play ( gigolo in normal speaking). Still have some tickets.
  • 29th April 2nd May BT Model of United Nations . Deadline 1 st of April.
Enough for today I guess.Gotta rush to classes.Cya at the play.


I had to create a monster if I was going to dethrone a queen.

this thing begun when all I wanted was everything.instead I got a conscience
I should describe myself as the one who sees '+'s instead of crosses.
I should describe myself as a clock which never starts with a tik but with a 'talk'.
I should describe myself as a missing link in the Darwin theory.
But I won't.
That's because I'm not just a simple 'a'.I am 'the'

Ladies and gent's,
This is the place where verbs don't have times and even if they did don't forget:time's running out.To be more precise: your time is runnin' out.Live,laugh,love,as they say, whatever,as long as you can,
I'll be watching you.
Judge me and I'll sentence you to another life.
Thus my arrival has been proclaimed.Where are thy drums?
Never mind.I will have tuns of them later.